About Us

It is an honour to be trusted to be part of your recovery journey and to be able to help you gain knowledge and insight into your recovery.

Jenny and I have been through our own battles with food, compulsive exercise, body image and self-esteem. We have both had a long journey to battle, however by going to regular therapy, working through our struggles, learning about nutrition, we were both able to come out the other end, and lead healthy and happy lives.


We strongly believe knowledge is power the more you can teach yourself and learn about yourself, the greater the chances are of recovery.

Jenny and I are far from perfect we’re both neuro-diverse, and this is our superpower we see the world differently, and by working with us, we hope you will gain a deeper understanding of what an eating disorder is and take some value.

Through personal experience and professional knowledge, our qualifications make us unique. Becky is a qualified Psychotherapist, Clinical Supervisor, Life coach, and has worked in schools, the NHS, and private practice. Jenny is a qualified Nutritional Therapist, Eating Disorder Coach and Personal Trainer. She regularly delivers talks and workshops in schools, sharing her own recovery story from anorexia, alongside workshops on body image and self-esteem. She has delivered specialist talks for various different councils, Safe Guarding companies who work with schools, The Bank of England, Lloyds Pharmacy, and the Metropolitan Police.

Our Team

Becky Stone

My name is Becky Stone I am a qualified Physiotherapist, Clinical Supervisor, Eating Disorder Therapist (NCFED) and Life Coach. I have been working with adults and teenagers since 2012. I specialise in eating disorders working with anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorders. I have personally suffered with binge eating disorder and anorexia, my passion is to help others recover from the invisible mental illness and become the best versions of themselves.

Becky Stone is registered and/or accredited with BACP, which all comply with the individual association standards and undergo strict recruitment and supervision procedures

Jenny Tomei

My name is Jenny Tomei and I’m a qualified Nutritional Therapist (DipCNM), Eating Disorder Coach (NCFED) and Level 4 Personal Trainer. I use practical interventions and nutritional rehabilitation guidance to support change and recovery from eating distress. My work includes mentoring and helping people with various types of eating disorders along with education around nutrition, fitness, IBS and gut issues. I personally suffered with anorexia for over 6 years and had a history of excessive exercise and RED-S (Relative Energy Deficit Syndrome). I now help young people establish a healthy balance between food and exercise and help them back into exercise in a non-obsessive way.

Jenny Tomei is also a public speaker and runs a non-profit organisation (www.jenup.com) for the early intervention and prevention of eating disorders. She regularly runs workshops in schools on how to have healthy relationships with food, exercise and body image, alongside staff training on eating disorders.



We provide both a holistic whole-person and science-based approach to nutrition. You’ll be able to understand hunger, fullness, and satiety cues, alongside learning how the body uses energy.

Bespoke nutrition plans are available upon request during the 12-week program, and during the program, you’ll learn how to balance blood sugar and improve food-related behaviours.


Psychotherapy and CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) focuses on negative thought patterns of thinking as well as beliefs that contribute to these thought patterns. CBT teaches participants skills that will allow them to identify problematic beliefs, alongside healthy ways to cope with emotions. You’ll be able to uncover what triggered your eating disorder, alongside working towards changing your response to these triggers.

There is no one-size-fits-all approach, and we combine several approaches to address an individual’s needs.

Compulsive Exercise

Compulsive exercise is not a recognized clinical diagnosis in the DSM-5, but many people struggle with symptoms associated with this term.

We will help you to establish a balance between food and exercise, by providing you with education about how to fuel your body efficiently, whilst looking at the side effects of under-fuelling in sports/fitness. You’ll be able to return to exercise in a healthy non-obsessive way.

Neurodiversity and Eating Disorders

We are both neurodivergent, and we understand the complexities of neuro-diverse clients living with dyslexia, dyspraxia, ADHD, or autism.

We provide education about how neurodiversity interferes with recovery, and we will provide you with the necessary tools to manage neuro-divergent traits going forward.

Gut Health

We provide education on why the gut plays a vital role in our overall mental health, digestion, and well-being. Did you know that 90% of serotonin (happy hormone) is found within your gut? The gut contains trillions of bacteria, these bacteria play an important role in overall health, communication with the immune system, the production of certain vitamins, and the chemicals that make you feel hungry or full.

Most people who suffer with eating disorders suffer with IBS, which can be due to behaviours including bingeing, purging, and restricting food intake.

Success Stories