Eating Disorder Support Group

In our eating disorder support group, we touch on a variety of different therapeutic areas including psychotherapy, nutrition, mindset, and compulsive exercise.

Jenny and Becky have great skill sets, wisdom, knowledge, and experience to help you invest and believe in yourself to create change. Our eating disorder support groups allow for time and space for individuals to express their feelings and experiences without being judged. 

Why Choose Us?

We have experience and expertise of ex sufferers


We run visual and interactive eating disorder support groups with psychoeducation elements

We work collaboratively with other medical professionals ensuring a smooth user experience.

We provide specialised nutrition information for eating disorders including IBS and gut issues

We employ evidence-based approaches along with other strategies proven to work
Weekly homework will go in place each week to help promote change
We use mindset coaching skills to create a happier, more assertive self

Is this You?

Constantly counting calories and thinking about food?

Been turned away from treatment because your BMI isn't low enough?

Exercising excessively to loose weight?

Undiagnosed but know your routines around food are disordered?

Received treatment that hasn't worked?

Always thinking critically about yourself?

Would like to start changing old patterns?

Payment Options & Booking

Eating disorder Support group

£5 each for support groups (weekly)

Success Stories